Registration for the Veterinary Science Day 2025: “From Algorithms to Animals: The Role of AI in Veterinary Science” Registration form online Veterinary Science Day 2025 First name * Prefix Surname * Email address * Department * Department Biomolecular Health Sciences Department Clinical Sciences Department Population Health Sciences Central Laboratory Animal Research Facility Staff Departments Research Themes * Infection, Immunity and Pathology Cancer and Regenerative Medicine Health and Environmental Risk Sciences Genetics and Reproduction Animal Welfare and Behavior Locomotion and Surgery Farm Animal Health Other (please specify)Other (please specify) Position * (Associate) Professor Assistant Professor Postdoc PhD candidate Student Other Abstracts * Yes, I would like to submit an abstract (the abstract form will be enclosed in the confirmation mail you will receive) No, I will not submit an abstract Dinner (around 6 PM) * Yes, I will stay for dinner No, unfortunately I cannot stay for dinner I have a special diet (for lunch and/or dinner) Captcha Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.